Bird of Paradise in my Garden

Birds of Paradise in my Garden. I caught this just after a short burst of rain during the night. Those morning rain droplets playing upon the stem,  were simply irresistible.   Bird of Paradise in the Garden   Strelitzia  also known as ….  Bird of Paradise. And reminds me just a little of our recentContinue reading “Bird of Paradise in my Garden”

Viridian, Ultramarine, Permanent Rose and Indian Yellow

Viridian, Ultramarine, Permanent Rose and Indian Yellow  watercolours and acrylic paints. Viridian and Permanent Rose are complements; Ultramarine blue and Indian yellow are near complements and they pair up harmoniously, whether in watercolours, acrylics or oils and are in my palette for both of the paintings shown. First painting “Bird of Paradise”  is a representationalContinue reading “Viridian, Ultramarine, Permanent Rose and Indian Yellow”