Ways With Watercolor II Trees

a way with watercolors, trees, debiriley.com

Ways with Watercolor continues with more ideas on altering formats and designs, but this time with previous paintings of trees.

a way with watercolors, trees, debiriley.com
A Place Not Yet


Ways With Watercolor  – Trees

This first painting in near monochromatic palette was a long horizontal originally. It did not work that way.  It does better in the square format.

Small trees in silhouette, are suggested in a very Zen,  wabi sabi way.

This painting was from my imagination; it was a place I wanted to go, but hadn’t been to yet.  On a recent trip to Albany, Western Australia I discovered the near exact view of my imaginary dreamscape years before.

It would be a good place to live,  with its green lush fields and cool temperate climate!

photo of albany, WA, ways with watercolor, debiriley.com
A Place Seen



Trees in Watercolor – More

All of these watercolor tree paintings needed a little cropping, a new format, some softening of edges, perhaps even a focal point.   As you saw in Ways with Watercolor, with the floral painting by changing into a square format it gave it a much more interesting look.

Fir Trees, watercolor ways, abstract painting, debiriley.com
Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky- also has been resolved with the cropping into a new format and enlivening the depth of saturation via cold wax medium.

golden tree reflections, watercolor painting, debiriley.com
Golden Lake Reflected

Golden Lake was cropped along all four sides, but quite abit on the right.  A rewetting and and melting pale wash of quinacridone gold and prussian blue pb27 mix nearly finished it.  I still need to return once it is completely dry and then will need to do a softer and more subtle ‘green yellow.’   I’m not liking the stark sharpness of the quin. gold.  Its too abrupt.


watercolor trees in cerulean, debiriley.com
Soft light Upon the Trees

Soft Light  needed further cropping into a more vertical format along with smudging of edges that were too dark and sharp; as they were too distracting to my eye.




Tree Texture Ways

The Following tree image is really ‘reference source’  showing ways with watercolor to create tree textures and to enhance the background naturally.


tree techniques watercolor, debiriley.com
Tree Techniques

In this sample,   the tree trunk itself was done by using several layers of dry brush technique.

The Background,  was created with a simple Charging technique. A pale wash of blue all over first, then dripped down some grey green part way, then a bit lower burnt sienna.  The green yellow was tapped into the wash quickly while damp.


Wet in Wet or Charging

The first painting shown,   A Place Not Yet,    had its sky created with a wet into wet technique.

The secret is…. It is a different way, than the charging.   As wet in wet is begun dampening the paper with fresh clean water.  Charging…you use a pale wash of color to cover the area.



watercolor ways trees, debiriley.com
Autumn Watercolor

“Autumn Watercolor Trees”

will be an upcoming addition to my debiriley shop at Society 6


Enjoy your Wednesday Watercolors!!


Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

26 thoughts on “Ways With Watercolor II Trees

  1. Dear Debi, you are a very good observer, you carry the beauties in nature into your art work. This is great and so precious. Thank you, Loved them all, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As I slowly scrolled through this post I kept going back to your first painting. It’s haunting, Debi. There is so much potential there as if the painting itself is waiting for the painter to continue. It’s like a pause, an expectancy. It pulled something within me as a chord vibrating long after the guitar string has been plucked. I think it represents that place I am in Life perhaps. I don’t know. Really gorgeous work, my friend. You are so talented!!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amy, yes. That was the sense and emotion I’d felt when painting it. quite some time ago really….
      I may have shared this before (ignore if so) the word Moed means an appointed Time. and that is what that painting was about. Waiting… for the appointed time.
      I love your comments, Amy. Always so thoughtful and uplifting!! thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay she’s opened a shop!!!!!!! And posted a link!!!! Debi, I can NOT WAIT to go over there and “promote” like crazy. Oh, so crazy in the office but holy goodness. You tempt ussss with the beauty coming straight out of your pocketssssssssss precioussssssss…..these paintings are amazing. Seriously, I may just run back to watercolor, and haven’t even really discovered acrylics yet! Love these, every one! You are the master! Thank you for sharing! Wish I had more time to read and comment in more detail. I will catch up later!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did dear Laura! I wanted to get it “perfect” before giving the link – but you’d already asked like 2x so I just went for it anyway. lol YOU are so cute!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hi Lance!! great to hear your comments!
      and thank you very much 🙂
      ‘seeing what they tell me to do next’ Thats – THE hardest part of the WC journey!

      Liked by 1 person

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