Cobalt Teal Blue, Easy on the Eyes

cobalt teal blue pb 50, photograph

Its a very early Sunday morning, and I’m feeling like going for a little holiday as I drink my predawn coffee. A peaceful, relaxing, tranquil place.  Cobalt Teal Blue: a perfect holiday colour!  I’ll scout my photos… can I find my morning holiday?

cobalt teal blue pb 50, photograph
Esperance glittering cobalt teal and turquoise waters

Esperance glittering waters.  An image that soothes, invites and delights. Definitely has a holiday feel!  The serene Cobalt Teal Blue shallow waters look peaceful and clear. Just perfect.


cobalt blue teal pb50
3 Blues, cobalt, ultramarine, cobalt teal blue

3 Blues photo above – Cobalt, Ultramarine Blue and Cobalt Teal Blue combine in a refreshing harmony of blues. Not totally calm with all that wave action going on, but the dominant blue-greens of the image take precedence and provide a cooling outlook.

Looking closer, I observe that the sky is a nicely softened Cobalt blue,  the far water is a muted Ultramarine blue with the foreground shallows being the gorgeous Cobalt Teal blue.


Restful Cobalt Teal Blue Pb50

Cobalt Teal Blue is a lovely cool refreshing restful blue-green that imparts a meditative sense of tranquility.

In the full sheet painting on the handmade 100% cotton rag Indian Village paper I used Cobalt Teal Blue.

Cobalt Teal Blue Pb50 watercolour painting,
From the Beach cobalt teal blue


A Blue of Many Moods and Purposes

Cobalt Teal Blue is dominantly of a cool mood and atmosphere, but if its placed within a a much colder environment – say indigo or black,  it could very well act as the Warmer accent. I will use it with white and cerulean to create a sagebrush (greyed green)  foliage colour which is useful for still life gum leaf and branches.

When I use it in the water, I also make sure I use the Cobalt Teal blue elsewhere in diluted pale glazes. This ensures a unifies approach to the painting.  The sky can have a tiny thin wash of the colour applied just at the horizon, which will look appropriate if I dilute it enough.


cobalt teal blue pb50 wonderful in all mediums

It doesn’t matter whether I’m using watercolours, oils, acrylics, for mixed media, printmaking, DIY gelliprints, photographs, etc.  this beautiful colour creates clean cool images and pretty blue-green mixes that are easy on the eyes.


cobalt teal blue, ocean waters photo,
Aqua Turquoise, Cobalt Teal waters
My favourite subjects for Cobalt Teal Blue paint are undoubtedly oceans, lakes, rivers.

This colour is  really supreme when used for water subjects. However,  I also frequently will employ the paint for florals, foliage, clothing, buildings and trees.

Cobalt Teal Blue pb50 is a gorgeous, refreshing paint colour and really should not be limited by my “Water”  ideas and favoritisms!


Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

15 thoughts on “Cobalt Teal Blue, Easy on the Eyes

    1. good morning Laura ! yes, they’re all Australia. Taken from the best kept ‘secret’ beaches of Esperance, Western Australia. Crystal clear and stunning. If they were in the US there wouldn’t be a spot to sit at! As it was, a more handful of people the whole day… amazing.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jennifer, great to ‘see’ you!! I was thinking about where you were a couple days ago in fact! Thank you for your comments on the photos of the beaches and the water. Tranquility +++ just lovely 🙂 Have a wonderful rest of the day, cheers, Debi

      Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you Jodi !
      nothing like nice calm and ‘pretty waters’ for a bit of serenity in the morning 🙂 Though, I’m sure you do not get much of that with Charlie splashing and dashing about bursting with his youthful morning energies!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. but it is such a happy way to wake up! LOL! I wake up laughing every morning at his zest and enthusiasm for mornings! Oh how he LOVES mornings! I’m smiling thinking about it! He might have to write a post about being a “Morning Dog!” 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Debi – I’m feeling cool already. Your photographic images are breathtaking. I’m throughly enjoying your educational color studies, thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge.

    Liked by 1 person

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