Watercolor Fresh Start Tomorrow – Love It!

watercolor, mistakes, tomorrow is a fresh start, love, debiriley.com

When it all falls apart. The watercolors have gone 20 different ways.

And none of them were your way.

“What a lovely feeling to know, that I’ll wake up and have a fresh start tomorrow!”



watercolor, mistakes, tomorrow is a fresh start, love, debiriley.com
Watercolor Fresh Start



Fresh Start with Watercolors


I was working in my visual journal, the one that isn’t on watercolor paper.

But it has such lovely, encouraging quotes I decided to use it anyway.

I thought, I was up to handle a challenge!  I’d put up with thin cartridge like paper.  Deal with it, work with it.  “Partner with it.”

Not today.


Start Over

The first painting was shocking. You don’t see it do you!  No.

But I’m not going to beat myself up either. These things happen.



Drawing The Jungle Leaves

Right now, my new drawing is done at least.

And I like it. I used a big bold black permanent marker to draw with while looking out at my back garden.

We have a giant strelitzia nicolai growing and I love its massive, jungle like leaves.

This plant grows super tall 15 – 20 feet or more. About 6 meters.   It has delicate pale butter cream blooms not orange. With lovely lilac purple accents and pod.

It was a gorgeous Mother’s Day gift from my family a couple years ago. They had no idea I’ve been wanting one for 15 years. It was a great surprise. …. Gift giving. Love, in another form.



Back to my watercolor mess.

I had to read the quote below…. many times.


I think it is strange. Some days I pick up the brush and presto! Its like magic and I’m in the zone and I’m loving the feeling.

Other days. Its about as productive as collecting unicorns.


I’m just being frank.





So then, I read the quote.


The quote by Elizabeth David reads:

 Tomorrow was invented

to give you a fresh start

on whatever doesn’t go well today.



I hope you love this quote as much as I do!



Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

16 thoughts on “Watercolor Fresh Start Tomorrow – Love It!

    1. thank you Jodi! for me, it is important to be real. art is actually pretty much just like life, in my opinion.
      there are the good moments, and the not so much. but, we choose to learn. choose to move forward. choose to glean from those times that did not work out so well. Painting for me is fun, joyful, wild, exciting and then …..irritating! LOL I bet this sounds familiar! 🙂 cheers, and hugs, Debi


  1. The drawing looks good – looking forward to seeing your watercolour! I keep a small black sketchbook, black marker and pencil in my handbag at all times. So I can sketch on the move, when I’m out and about, when something catches my eye!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is the way it goes…Painting, sketching or photography there are days when it just isn’t working, days when we cannot see or see but cannot convert what we see! (sometimes frustration sets in). Sometimes just best to walk away…..as you say tomorrow is a fresh start and you never ever know what tomorrow will bring. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. absolutely David. and most often, we do wake up refreshed. ready to give it a new try in maybe a new way. And ‘walking away’ is the best thing for sanity at times!! lol

      Liked by 1 person

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