Many Moods of the Sea

Tidepool macro

Art inspired by the many faces of the ocean – vibrant tropical coral reefs, tide pools, windswept sea surface and sailing-  these images convey just a few of the many moods that the sea has to offer.


The Ocean, in all its diversity provides me a rich and unlimited source of creative inspiration.  In yesterday’s post, Jan. 10, 2015   I provided snippets on how the  coastal waters of Esperance area has inspired me with its stunning beauty.


image 1      Radiance:    a wet in wet beginning, using watercolours finishing with stronger more saturated warmer colours for depth. Colours used: viridian, french ultramarine, winson lemon, cobalt violet, manganese,  permanent rose


Cobalt Teal Blue pg50, Abstract watercolour,
Cobalt Teal Blue

image 2      Cobalt Teal: watercolour based with  mixed media  on hot press paper with flashes of quinacridone sienna in the foreground for warmth. Colours – cobalt teal,  gold, buff, white, quinacridone sienna



image 3     Sailing:    acrylic on canvas using a palette and fingers to create all elements, strong tonal contrast lower left quadrant provides the focal point area –   this is a rough textural image balanced by the calm azure of the sea. Colours used: White, ultramarine, cobalt teal.


Windswept moods of the sea, acrylic abstract painting,

image 4     Windswept Ocean Patterns:  acrylics using the ‘pouring’  method with a strong underlying loose wet white foundation upon which the peach and blue can slide about to create their patterns.  Colours used White! tiny bit of mixed winsor lemon/permanent rose   and  phalo blue dilute.


turquoise encaustic
Turquoise Encaustic


image 5  Turquoise  Encaustic:   underlying acrylics in greens (phalo green, viridian) cobalt, ultramarine blue, followed by wax for ‘sculpting’, last is an application of white oil in glazes

viridian watercolour
Into the Viridian Sea

image 6 Into the Viridian Sea:  pure watercolour. Harnessing the unique pigment characteristics of Granulating paints to create a sensational dimpled textured effect into the 100% cotton paper.  3 colours used were viridian, prussian and lunar black.


Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,