Monday’s Mountains

Monday Mountains, watercolour miniature landscapes,

Marvellous Monday Mountains!  Mountains, frequent symbols of challenges but also of permanence, safety and forward progress. Painting my Monday Mountains, I found they’re both my comfort and my challenge.

Monday Mountains, watercolour miniature landscapes,
Mondays Mountains

Miniature Watercolour Mountain Landscapes –  These two side by side miniature mountain paintings are Micro tiny!  They’re 1 inch by 1 inch and  painted in watercolours.




Mountains can symbolise and represent obstacles, permanence, progress, the sublime, and the heavenly realm.



Oil Pastel Mountain

The oil pastel began life as a watercolour in cobalt violet, burnt sienna and cobalt teal. As it developed,  the pathway deviated to oil pastels giving it a more rough hewn appearance.

Cobalt Violet purple Mountain pastel landscape,
Cobalt Violet Mountain

I chose both a horizontal format and a square format for this painting, to see which I preferred.   Still on the fence on it.


monday mountains, oil pastels, landscapes,
Mountain Violet and Teal Waters


Watercolour with Pen and Ink Mountain

The sunset mountains with pen work was a simple all over wash of red, orange, orange yellow to the bottom of the paper. I only used Permanent Rose and Winsor Lemon.

When it dried I used Burnt Sienna and Cobalt mix to gently glaze over the area designated for the mountains.  Again, letting it dry.  Then taking a pen to do a few lines here and there.

This effect was a little more structured and reined in than I normally do, but it was a good mountain. It has a nice little focal point and clarity of tones.

sunset mountain watercolour landscape,
What Lies Beyond



Ultramarine and Raw Umber Mountain

watercolour mountain technique ultramarine blue,
Mountain Technique


The Ultramarine,   Mountain technique was another easy and quick exercise.

Using two colours, Raw Umber and Ultramarine Blue I put down a pale sloppy wash of raw umber and then quickly! – dripped in a bit of mid tone ultramarine and let it drizzle down…. all by itself.

The challenge of this technique is the urge to try to help the paint along and to thereby destroy the fresh translucency of the colour. When its allowed to do its own thing it is just sublime!

A great example of letting it freely flow is cobalt teal reflections, where I’ve merely  touched the brush tip to damp tilted paper to allow the colour to flow.

I enjoy letting the paints and paper do a lot of the ‘work’ for me, it is fun to watch to see how the colours mix and merge together.


Inspired by Mountains

Monday’s Mountains, my 6 set of mountain paintings have inspired me for my mountains this coming week.  I’m ready for them!




Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

25 thoughts on “Monday’s Mountains

      1. Hi Debi, some days I struggle with what to paint or create. A class I took recently online had us painting fantasy landscapes from our imaginations. It was super fun! I hope to try more of it this week. Have you ever tried this? 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  1. These are such wonderful small gems! I love how much you can convey with such simplicity and in such small spaces! I think the oil pastel one has to be my favorite (what a surprise! ha!) but they are all terrific.
    Thanks for sharing these. Always so refreshing to see your new creations. ~Rita

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Rita, glad that you enjoyed them. I am surprised you liked the oil pastel.. its not nearly like yours!! yours are of course, superb! thank you, for your kindness and comments 🙂 Debi


  2. These are wonderful scenes Debi, each beautiful and thank you for the oil pastel it’s showing a texture that makes the piece come alive.

    Liked by 1 person

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