Walking Down The Garden Path: filled with flowers

flower photography, pink and magenta floral, moods, debiriley.com

Irresistible….Like a Georgia O’Keefe painting, was my first thought on the scarlet poppy. The Flower Garden had so many colors!  Reds, fuschia, lime green,  rosy magenta.  Delicious.

Delighting the eye.

We (my daughter and I)  were off on another short zen stroll.  Hoping to find some treasures, hoping to find some peaceful moments. (Raising children is exhausting work!)

Hoping to find a bit of restoration at the end of the garden path.


flower photography, georgia o'keefe style, red flowers, debiriley.com
Garden Path Poppy, Kelly Walker (c) 2017


A bit of Georgia O’Keefe

Maybe too soft and blurred for some.  Maybe too undefined for some.

However,  its so reminiscent of an oil painting. semi abstract.

Smooth blurred soft edges. The hint of abstraction and wee bit of Georgia O’Keefe being channeled adds to the charm.  What a  Sumptious  scarlet red!



Yes.  The flowers definitely were showing off, as we made our way through the gardens.


flower photography, pink and magenta floral, moods, debiriley.com
A Play with the Petals, Kelly Walker (c) 2017


Petal Play Design

The focal points and  fstop chosen create a different style of image here.

One would normally, think the centre is the focal point, or maybe one segment.  But what we have here, is a clockface design.

With the higher petal peaks in focus, taking us ….. here and then there.  Hit and miss.

Around the flower.  In focus, then – out of focus.

It keeps us moving along.  Keeps us guessing, and I find myself more intrigued.




Peeking Out

Emerging. Peeking out. It makes me think of a magic mirror with the tips breaking through. Coming through into this world……

This garden path is such fun. Even better is the fact that we can walk the path again and again, through these photographs.

camera magic, great flower photography, kellywalker@redbubble.com, debiriley.com
Peeking Out, Kelly Walker (c) 2017





garden of flowers, poppy, macro photography, debiriley.com
poppy bud, kellywalker (c) 2017

I love the detail. The macro zoom worked well to show off the super fine hair like bristles.  The sheer amount of detail was balanced by the monochromatic palette beautifully.



garden grevillia, macro photography, red flower, nature photos, debiriley.com
Garden Grevillia, Kelly Walker (c) 2017


Creating Depth

The red garden grevilia has wonderful sense of depth. You can clearly see the background, the middleground and the foreground.

The other thing I quite like is how its been designed.  The peachy brown leaves lead into the photograph right to the red grevillias.





These nature photographs have been created and taken by Kelly Walker (c)

They are her sole property.  If you’d like to purchase her work, please do so at kelly walker @ redbubble.com




Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

14 thoughts on “Walking Down The Garden Path: filled with flowers

    1. yes, she is my daughter!! I’ll tell her you said so, too 🙂 thank you, you are so sweet ! tomorrow’s the day for the hip, so I won’t be replying to comments for a little bit. Not ignoring you – LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh how you must be! I was wondering about your hip and when, no worries, I totally understand. I am thinking more about you. Can you message on FB or email alright? I would like to hear about your progress and how you are healing. 🙂 I will be praying for you, dear friend.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. its tomorrow. in hospital for 3 days. once i get home and settled, I can email! 🙂 I’ll look for you. And, Thank YOU, prayers are welcomed with love! YRF

        Liked by 1 person

  1. What delightful and Unique Photography, Kelly has created!!..”flowers are for sharing..and inspiring..and So Much more..”
    Ps. Wishing you a speedy recovery Debi..and Much good health.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful images. It’s nice to see you float between painting and photography. No easy task. I love how you use focus and color to turn the images into abstractions of the subject matter and done so with an artist’s eye. I read above that you are in the hospital. Hip replacement? I pray for you to have a successful surgery and a quick, and painless, recovery. Be well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great. Great post as always dear Debi, fascinating. I love your art works, touches, words, Thank you dear, Love, nia (by the way, I changed my blog to private, if you missed my invitation notifications of word press, be sure I would be so glad to see you a before in my blog, you can make a request.)

    Liked by 1 person

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