‘My Precious’ – Wednesday Watercolors

precious lilac and teal watercolor painting, debiriley.com

Precious.  Today’s  art adventure was precious. Perhaps priceless. Can I place a price on walking outdoors in cool refreshing air, feeling good, limber and spry?  Eyes searching and my mind uncluttered and open?

precious tree watercolor painting, cobalt teal, debiriley.com
Precious Tree in cobalt teal

Precious…May mean many things to many different people.


For me, I extracted every precious iota of enjoyment out of today’s morning stroll, out of taking 300+ photos, and out of painting with my own hands  – using my also Precious cobalt teal blue.    


Time is precious. Health is precious. And of course,  having an open mind willing to see,  is also precious.


Enjoy my precious Wednesday Watercolors in Cobalt Teal Blue.


precious lilac and teal watercolor painting, debiriley.com
Precious Lilac and Teal


For those who are looking for Beginner’s Watercolor information, a great page to go and have a look through is Watercolour Basics. It has an everything from imaginative creative techniques, color mixing, trees, to watercolor wash basics.


Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

29 thoughts on “‘My Precious’ – Wednesday Watercolors

  1. SWOOOOON! Oh How I love these PRECIOUS paintings from PRECIOUS Debi! What lovely words today too. Debi – how large are these beautiful masterpieces?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thats a BIG swoon! thank you 🙂 think I just mentioned… about 5×7 and 4×4 est. none are larger than 8×10 I’m finding these days, I can put More! into the smaller works. and still retain my bold freedom.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. if I didn’t have some hand/wrist issues I’d probably still be painting on full big sheets 22×30 inches though 🙂
        Thats how I learned to ‘free up’…then when I did go smaller, I didn’t have a problem with tightening up by going smaller.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. hi Laura, Thanks!!
      its like I am cheating, lol. Anytime I use CTB so many like it 🙂
      Now, to test, that theory – I could TRY to do an “ugly” one in CTB. just to see!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. you really transfer the feeling from your stroll with your beautiful paintings. I would feel the same and do 2000 photos and paint them later when I have time. Just finished a little painting of a decaying rose and want to paint some more in the next days. Just bought 3 water colors at ebay but need some more. Cheers from snowy Hamburg, Mitza

    Liked by 2 people

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