Impressionist Watercolor Landscape (artistic license)

artistic license, impressionist watercolor landscape, Daniel Smith watercolors, limited palette,

Its about artistic freedom, artist license.

The joy of expressing in paints, brushstrokes, color, the things you’d like to say with words… but can’t.


artistic license, impressionist watercolor landscape, Daniel Smith watercolors, limited palette,
Artistic License Impressionist Landscape

Communicate Through the Arts



If I was a singer, maybe the words would be clear and perfect.

And elegant, eloquent, full ranged.  Sounding lovely and lyrical.

But then, maybe not.



Bruce Springsteen

” A great singer has to learn how to  Inhabit a song. 

You may not be able to hit all the notes.    That’s OK.

You may not have the clearest Tone.   You may not have the greatest range.

But if, you can Inhabit a song,  you can communicate.”


This is a quote from Springsteen’s December 19, 2016  PBS interview.





As artists, in any profession, in any media….. that, is a very fine goal to take to heart.





(Living, Abiding in the place)


I feel that in this landscape watercolor I do inhabit the painting.

It typifies me.  It is a signature Debi Riley artwork. Unique to me.  Created from my memories.


As I paint, I remember…. the Pages River in Murrurrundi.

The tall vertical poplar trees that dot the area.


I recall, the hill across from the Emirates thoroughbred stud farm, paddocks filled with gleaming broodmares.

The many times I’ve visited there and the soft spot it holds in my heart.



This location means something to me.

This subject –  has meaning.

And so, it is easy for me to inhabit the artwork as I create.



We can All… do this. 

Beginners, yes,  right on to the advanced.

Singers, chefs, writers, composers, painters, whatever.


But,  what we must do, however, is dare to

be our own selves,

to inhabit our songs… our creations.



John Olsen

Fred Williams 

Watercolor Hills 

Watercolor Landscapes and textures in color …. 

Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

14 thoughts on “Impressionist Watercolor Landscape (artistic license)

  1. This was such an insightful post on what it means not just to communicate but to feel one’s art. You described it really well, especially with the example of the Blue Hills watercolour landscape painting. As an artist, it’s important to find what has meaning to us – that’s when we connect to something, find a voice for it and so find our voice. To me, to inhibit something means to live it, own it and make it our own. That is how I approach my writing. Writing about non-fiction, often there are so many writer’s out there who have written about the same topic, presenting similar perspectives. Admittedly some of my opinions overlap – which is okay because usually behind a certain opinion there is a unique story to how it is formed, a unique story that is uniquely yours that you have lived. Delivery and presentation is also another thing altogether and that can be as creative as how you make it up to be 🙂


    1. Mabel, yes I think you totally DO inhabit your words; all your posts and articles are – You. No one else could have written these. Its your, voice and inflections within the text I ‘hear’ not a generic all purpose tone.
      Some people, maybe at the beginning of their journey – don’t yet know, this concept. But in time, it comes. Usually! 🙂 thank you Mabel for your comment, in depth as always! cheers, Debi


      1. Thank you for the kind words, Debi. Keep illustrating and doing what you do playing with colour. Every piece from you radiates with life 🙂


  2. Beautiful art Debi and I love the colours. Sound advice as always – dare to be ourselves and inhabit our art… I’ll be mulling over that for a while now…


    1. thank you! awesome comment, much appreciated. I have 2 weeks, of posts to catch up on to look at ! been off the computer awhile… will check your posts, soon though. thanks! debi

      Liked by 1 person

  3. An artist holds a lot of power. Just a hint of a shape or colour can suggest unlimited ideas and images in the viewer of the work. You’re an expert at doing this, Debi.


  4. Beautiful Debi thanks for sharing your process of your watercolor landscape painting! I enjoy painting landscapes it is like meditation, time slips away while in the process of painting the image.


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