
summer days, beach photography, summer holidays,

Carefree summer days

summer days, beach photography, summer holidays,
Carefree Summer Days


Gorgeous summer days

Don’t you miss those days, you spent as a kid… just playing in the surf and sand!

A whole day at the beach seemed like forever back then.


Next time you take the kids, go on.  Jump in.

Or  get your toes wet at least!




Summer – Winter

For all my Oz friends,  yes.

This was taken a couple months ago. When it was summer here.

But, right now its a rather brisk winter.

And I was really feeling like a warm tropical breeze and a fun splash… for a moment!



The Color Palette

So Summer.  So Gorgeous.

This is my #1 favorite group of colors.

Cobalt teal blue, Cobalt blue, Ultramarine blue.  Buff titanium, White, Black. And a dash of terracotta Light Red.   


Why might this data be relevant, when the image is a photograph?

Even though its not a painting,  it is always a useful thing for us to assess and identify the Why of something  that we like.

We learn by questioning.  Whether we are writers, painters, photographers, chefs, etc.






Alterations needed

This photo gave me a fabulous opportunity.

To transform a dull lifeless image, to a lively gorgeous fun Summer Time photo.

At first,  the tonal values and the contrasts were very poor.


You’d never know to look at it now,  how under par it was.

Our initial efforts that ‘miss the mark,’  in painting or photos, well I guess they’re a bonus really.

They make me  do things to them, get creative with them.  

In ways I wouldn’t,  with an effort that I’d felt was already a good success – that needed nothing done to it.


I find that many art ‘failures’  ie  (not yet resolved)   are Opportunities.

They make me wonder…. and imagine.

And I love them.

(OK  I’ll be honest!   Most  of them.)




Enjoy your Carefree Summer Days




Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

5 thoughts on “Summer

    1. I’m smiling! thanks David for sharing that; I went on about the mechanics of the photo in the post…. assessing colors and tones, etc.
      When the heart of the image, is of course, how it makes us “Feel.” thanks again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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