Watercolors… inspired by peace

watercolor abstract simplicity, light red, debiriley.com

This is a 22 x30 inch full sheet of Fabriano soft press paper I had stashed.

Its a minimalist abstract watercolor that I have just done quickly.

This morning.


watercolor abstract simplicity, light red, debiriley.com
Simplicity Wc Light Red


Watercolor Abstract inspirations


No labored multitude of brushstrokes.


With a very large amount of white space.




My thoughts were on creating harmony.

Inspired by Peace.




John Olsen and

Toko Shinoda running on replay in the back of my mind.

I’d just had a zen stroll and taken some shots of bark.

(with Light Red in mind as well.)


zen stroll, nature hike, tree bark photo, debiriley.com
zen stroll bark


Woodland Inspiration, tree photo, art of being inspired, debiriley.com
Tree In the Woods



Less is More.


I’m ok with the quietness and the peacefulness found in the image.

I imagine, it may be too quiet for some.

But, its just right for me, today.




Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

15 thoughts on “Watercolors… inspired by peace

  1. I get a sneaking feeling that you felt serenity and peace while painting this, I can see it, simply “feel” it. To look beyond the marks and expectations and sense the “creative sigh” of the artist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. light red, again… yes. + dash of indigo. some white with green earth. that was IT. πŸ™‚ thanks Evelyn. Hope you have a great week
      – cheers, Debi


  2. The simple things are the best Debi! Just the combination of beautiful colors and letting them follow the water flow, combined with your emotions and thoughts… that’s all is needed to create such beautiful minimalist and abstract painting! I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

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