The Fine ART of …Thinking (Rodin)

The Thinker, Rodin, the fine art of thinking! art and censorship,

Rodin what iconic sculptures he created. Sheer Beauty.

He thought. He envisioned. He created.

I’d like to learn the fine art of thinking, from him!!


The Thinker, Rodin, the fine art of thinking! art and censorship,
the THINKER, Rodin

I don’t generally, request things from my wonderful readers. But I am requesting, for today’s post The Art of Thinking… please Share it, via FB, IG, or your own sites. I hope you will! Thank You, Debi



LEarning About  Rodin, Dante, About History


My father was a fan of Rodin, of Dante, indeed of books in general. We had a fairly decent little library.

I always had my nose stuck, in a book of some description.

It often was an encyclopedia!!  The dictionary was one of my closest friends, I admit.  I loved learning.

My father encouraged me.


He never, indicated nor said the books I chose were unfitting for an 8 year old…girl.  He smiled instead.


I grew up thinking.

Thinking about life, about … history.  About historical figures and events.

About the world.

What the peoples of times past, went through. And why.

I wanted to know WHY!!!


So I read historical books.  I read voraciously any autobiography I could.

Strange, for a young girl.

I was enchanted! I loved it.



Where there are books, there are bullies! 

I read, I learned. And, I thought. I was a quiet child. But my mind was very busy!

My grandmother smiled as she told me,  “still waters run deep.”  Spot on.


Yes. People  ie  Bullies,  would laugh at my reading choices. It happens.

Yes. Those same blinded bullies would say I was “too serious”  as they pulled my hair, or threw my books.   Bullies… will do that.

Because they do not THINK. They merely react. In fear.



I gathered information from many sources.

(I say this, lest some suggest again, that I only read from 1 side of things.)  Just saying…..


I’m so grateful to my father.  For encouraging me  to think for my self. For having books like Dante and Rodin available for me.


I’m grateful that my Father encouraged me to develop skills in The Fine ART of Thinking.    




The Words of Rodin


Rodin’s  own words below, describe his creation.

Not someone else’s theory of what he might have been feeling or thinking; but completely his.

His words, provide a clarion ring of truth,  that shine.


“Gaunt, ascetic in his straight robe, my Dante, separated from the ensemble, would have no meaning,” he stated.

Accordingly, Le Poète became Le Penseur:

“I conceived of another thinker, a naked man crouched on a rock against which his feet are clenched.

Fist pressed against his teeth, he thinks.

The fertile thought develops slowly in his brain.

He is no longer a dreamer, but a creator.”


How stirring!  Inspires me even now.


Rodin also explains another time,

“What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes.”



When I read, the words of Rodin – I find them just as inspiring

as uplifting, as encouraging – as his work of exceeding excellence, The Thinker.








conceptual art


lifelong learner







political artwork






self expression


silenced art





Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

18 thoughts on “The Fine ART of …Thinking (Rodin)

  1. I’ve heard of Rodin, of course, and I know of this sculpture, but I’ve never heard it described by the sculptor himself. Very enlightening to notice, for the first time, these things he mentions. Thanks for the lesson, Debi.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved your writing about thinking. I do realize there is a lack of it in some populations. Many seem to follow the trends of the moment with no critical thought.
    Thanks for your words.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hi Carol, thank you so much for your comment! I’m grateful that you enjoyed this post. I’m really not a loud, strident, kind of person.
      But, it is so difficult to remain, in utter silence, in light of current events. Carol, I’m wishing you a good and peace filled rest of the week. Cheers, Debi


  3. Ha…..I think we would have been great friends quietly reading together. I relate to so much what you wrote here except for the wonderful father that you had. Wow, what a memory and legacy! Thank you for encouraging us to think and prod at life around us because that is a part of being an artist. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a thought provoking post! I think I may have to re-read it several times to digest it properly! I love books – I always have – as a child I especially loved books with graphic pictures (not necessarily children’s books either!), I would spend ages poring over the details, piecing together the stories they told… ! Even now, it’s the pictures (or photographs) in a book that will draw me in more quickly than anything else, they spark my imagination – maybe that’s part of the artist in me, I don’t know.. ! Thank you for making me think more deeply today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Evelyn, you and I may have been in the library together and not known it! lol books are the key, the way to reason and the way to discoveries. I wish, everyone felt like you do. Thank you for taking the time to read and to make such a thoughtful comment. I loved it! Many kind, thanks, Debi

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful Debi! And you have become to many -like me – the inspiration your father was to you! Thank you for sharing insights and art and thoughts that I would have never considered before “knowing” you! Hugs from mars!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jodi, just wanted to say from my heart: Thank YOU!! your beautiful words, mean alot to me. Its a great pleasure to know you, and to know that you enjoy my posts. You are a kind, and generous woman Jodi. bless you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Cynthia, thank you very much for your comment on this post. I’m sure you had a blast getting to go to the museum! Artists like Rodin, they’re so much more than just ‘a pretty face’ they get in our face! and make us think 🙂 thanks again, and wishing you a wonderful rest of the week – with happy fun Painting!! cheers, Debi

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve loved this piece ever since the first time I saw it on my first visit to Paris in 1963. It nestles in a corner of my mind. Thanks for bringing it back to the service in such a meaningful way. I will go and read my “Rodin on Art” once again, which is a prized and treasured book of mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you so much Andrew. Truly. I don’t have that book…. perhaps we could have a peek into it sometime?! Rodin’s The Thinker has always made me smile. And. Think. 🙂 cheers, Debi


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