Magenta Moments – color bliss

contemporary acrylic abstract, magenta and turquoise,

A quick dash and splash of paints.

A playful moment. Magenta Moments.



Filled with enthusiasm and bright holiday cheer.


contemporary acrylic abstract, magenta and turquoise,
Magenta Moments – color bliss



Art, the way I feel its meant to be for me.

Art, come into its own. In its zone.


In harmony with the creative spirit.

Simple and fun.  Free and Expressive.



The Muse dances


in these

Magenta Moments.    





I didn’t  use my “art basics checklist” for this.

I went with sheer intuition, with passion and feeling.

To simply record my emotions, in that moment.

Not only is this fun, its a great stress reliever.  No pressure. No rules.

NO Performing.

No being on stage, or in a circus, or in a show.

No pressure to make it look good for someone else.  I was just me,  and I could splash in the paints at will.

I don’t have to show another soul.  I don’t have a deadline.


Magenta Moments is sheer color bliss.




Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

18 thoughts on “Magenta Moments – color bliss

    1. thank you Susan!
      I’m glad you enjoyed these colors and the movement, depth and action going on!
      Sometimes, when we get ‘color happy’ the tonal values get muddled up. And all becomes too mid tone. With this one, the real thought I was having was “I must make sure I have enough tonal contrasts!” It was wonderful that it worked out here. 🙂


  1. I really like the cheery feel of your creation. It is so…summery now that it is summer here in Australia 🙂 Sometimes we create works that mean the most to us when we just let go of rules and expectations and just go for it. I like how you say it: simple and fun. Yes. When things are simple, often we have a better understanding of the story and what is going on. When things are fun, I think we always want to join in 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mabel, that is so lovely! Where others are having Fun, we’re naturally drawn to check it out. I love art that hints of ‘simplicity.’ Fred Williams, Olsen, Margaret Preston are artists that I adore. … along with David Taylor & Herman Pekel. They make simplicity look – So Easy!
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it is lovely to hear from others from Australia as well. Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jodi…… for some reason, I was thinking yes, Jodi is going to like this one! lol yep!
      Thank YOU!! its bright and cheery. full of that holiday spirit… kind of like you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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