7 Days of Zen II – Unbounded

Zen Unbounded, wabi sabi, debiriley.com

The Freedom to express the hidden artist, to let go and speak out with my own voice has been a work in progress. It doesn’t happen overnight. Nor within the timespan of a short art course.

Zen Unbounded, wabi sabi, debiriley.com
Zen Unbounded

I must look at art differently.  Art is like life, and life is like art.

I view art as a discipline, a way of life. An endeavor  for the long haul.

Not a microwaved meal.  Patience, grasshopper.


zen, free, wabi sabi, datsuzoku, debiriley.com
FREE. Datsuzoku – Wabi Sabi


Zen – UnBounded


The Wabi Sabi element “Datsuzoku”  is defined as  ‘Free, Unbounded.’


I interpret it as a Limitlessness … of personal possibilities.

No bars,  the gates are open.

There are no constraints, there are no ‘shoulds.  And, I am not chained to the dictates of what someone else  might think.  

But rather, there is a freedom to develop, an unhindered space to grow and stretch and create and invent as the spirit of creativity directs me.



wabi sabi hat, zen, unbounded voice, debiriley.com
Wabi Sabi Hat

Wabi Sabi Freedom of Expression

This, is one of the foundation reasons I fell in love with the idea of Wabi Sabi.

I could be Free.

Free, to invent and create regardless of what others might say, dictate, think, or feel. That was their business. Mine was simply to follow where the creativity led me.

An unbounded Voice.

I liked that!  It works for me!



Constraints and Limits

To paint or draw from copies or photos, magazines will merely chain me.  It will always serve the function to tighten the bands of the cuffs more firmly.

To express what I have in my heart, releases!  It pours out.

Fear, anxiety, our critical natures and worry of what other’s opinions are – all combine to chain the creative force that wants to be Unbounded.


unbounded, zen, wabi sabi, debiriley.com
Unlimited, unbounded


Letting Go of Traditional Justification

We want justification.  We want Results.


We want evidence to show that our time, efforts and money have been invested wisely.

And they have.


Every time we allow freedom to be released rather than permitting the old tight constraints to remain in place,  we advance further along in our artistic development.

We ‘grow’ and build the strength of our Voice.     We nurture it like a garden.  This does take patience, to grow a garden.



freedom, datsuzoku, wabi sabi, zen, debiriley.com
Freedom! Datsuzoku




Zen Unbounded,  the first painting featured.  With this 1 single fluid brushstroke of crimson tipped in indigo,  I think, conveys the message today the best.

I am Content, with the image, just as it is.

That is all an image needs to do.

Speak unhindered, the Voice of the artist within.



These images illustrate my personal interpretations of the Zen aspect of Wabi Sabi “Datsuzoku”  – the essence of freedom and an unbounded voice.



Stay tuned for part 3 of the 7 Days of Zen series!






Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at society6.com/debiriley and, redbubble.com/people/debijriley/shop

34 thoughts on “7 Days of Zen II – Unbounded

  1. Very powerful and unconstrained message Debi – wonderful “free” works that show how you’ve stretched and obtained some amazing results. I really like Zen Unbounded – the close-up showing some amazing lifted texture is fabulous.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Debi! yep – gotta say it – SWOOOOONing over your art and your wonderful words of advice and art wisdom! Thank you for this! I long to feel this – and I WILL! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Jodi, thank you so much and –
      What a Swoon!!
      its fabulous you’ve found some things that resonate with you. Yes, You will ‘feel’ it; I’m thinking you probably do already. 🙂
      …. my approach is just One way…. there are many!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Fantastic part II of 7 Days of Zen! There is a key phrase in your post which popped out for me immediately: “what someone else might think”, now that is in my humble opinion what is controlling many minds to some degree and restricting them to develop artistic (or otherwise) freedom.
    If you let that thought go you will start to grow your own freedom and flourish, you really hit the nail on the head BAM! As you said “the gates are open” so let it flow, let it come to me, flow through me and lift me into a creative Zen-sphere and content you will be!
    I can see from these works your creative free flowing mind, no wonder, your Wabi Sabi hat has an open concept design 🙂
    I say cheerz to Freedom of Expression Debi Zen!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. yes. Miss Eva of the Wicked Mad Shoes!! the thought of others ‘judging us’ is often the chains that bind.
      glad you’re liking ZEN…. 5 more forthcoming 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am loving your blog and this post inspires me to stretch myself and to slow down and explore more of an abstract and free way of expressing myself. Your blog is truly one of a kind, I am going to be savoring it slowly. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Unbounded joy today, I’m especially drawn to your first image with the textural stroke of colors. Thank you for your message of Zen and art. Happy day Debi.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, I love everything you’ve said here about art!
    I don’t know “Wabi Sabi”, but I agree to all your opinions about art that you express here in this wonderful article !!!!! It’s really exciting to come across this in words and in your intriguing paintings!!
    Looking forward to what’s coming next! Cheers, Petra

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Petra! I’m so happy that this is a series that is resonating with you!! Yay!
      I was pretty sure not too many do know “wabi sabi” & wanted to share it with … well, whoever will listen! LOL Do go and read the first episode of this series if you haven’t already, I explain a bit about Wabi Sabi itself.
      thanks again Petra! cheers, Debi

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi again!
        What I meant: All I know about Wabi Sabi is what I’ve read in your articles and in the first of this series, too. I liked it ;)!
        Thanks, Debi! Cheers, Petra

        Liked by 1 person

      2. ah ha!!
        I’m chuckling a bit here! 🙂 to tell you the truth,
        I’d never heard of wabi sabi til about 20 months ago; when I started reading & interpreting bits and pieces. I’m glad you are liking this Series!! cheers, Debi

        Liked by 1 person

  7. that’s really wonderful Debi. I like these Zen days a lot. It’s very calming and interesting at the same time, very inspiring. Wishing you a wonderful Wabi Sabi day, cheers Mitza

    Liked by 1 person

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