Monday’s Walk in Colour and Light

Colour and Light, water reflections, inspirations,

Light glances off a group of gum trees and creates such a peace filled harmony, I want to sit and stay all morning observing the changing light and colours.  What heaven,  to just sit and view nature’s art gallery for a an hour or two! This is my favorite local bushland, this group of trees always draw my eyes. Every time.

light on trees, photograph,
Nature’s Light

But, I have things to do. Timelines to meet and the clock ticks on.

I move on, to the next area…. granted,  I’m meandering and definitely not walking at a fast clip by any stretch of the imagination.  Even mine.



Inspired by the light.

What beauty lies in these colours as the light moves and the breeze shifts the the patterns so gently!

Colour and Light, water reflections, inspirations,
Colour and Light


Thats it.  So soon, another short walk in the early morning is finished.

Nothing strenuous, nothing too long.

Just long enough to be outdoors, breathe the fresh air and see the colours and the pure light.


Light and Colour Inspired, watercolours,
Light Inspired

I’m back home and have just enough time to call upon my memory as I grab the watercolours out.

To recall my feelings of the walk, of the water reflections.  And to rapidly,  convey them upon paper.   Then, I have to leave to go to work.


I love fresh, clean, quick – spontaneous work.

It brings out the inner truth of an artist.  The light is brought forth, the colours are pure and unsullied by the mind’s waffling back and forth.



Monday’s walk in the light – Recap

Walking is a wonderful creative way to stir the imagination,  hone the powers of observation and test my ability to recall the most  important information. Short walks, are better than no walks and often are all that I can manage.

Light determines how the colours appear; soft, harsh, strident, singing in tune or discordantly.  How deep or how pale they appear.  Light, is everything!

I did have a camera. I did take a couple photos.  But, I didn’t even have time to download them to view them first. I used my memory.  Its great training for me to do this.

Watercolours are a great medium for when fast, spontaneous work is required, ie when time is of the essence.



Walking outdoors in the wide open spaces was uplifting, with the enjoyment of nature’s harmony of colour and light – just what I needed to start my Monday!



Published by debiriley

The act of creation, in any media is a fascinating and magical process. I simply love to create. Expressing in color, line, tone, texture - as if, they were words upon a page. Creating a uniquely me, interpretation. Enjoy More of my "one-of-a-kind" expressive art at and,

15 thoughts on “Monday’s Walk in Colour and Light

  1. such wonderful colors again, Debi. I love to sit in nature, too. It really is very calming because it’s so beautiful. Have a nice day, regards Mitza

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